Recall List for the 2006 Ford LCF

Official recalls have been issued for the 2006 Ford LCF by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.

Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Ford service department immediately!

If you have questions about a recall, write down your VIN & then call Ford customer service.

  1. RECALL: Bumper/Hitch

    This could result in bending of the hitch channel or the hitch could be pulled off the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash. Read more »

    Date Announced
    JUL 28, 2008
    Vehicles Affected
  2. RECALL: Injection Pressure Regulator Connector

    Over time, the collected water may potentially corrode the connector leads resulting in various engine performance concerns including; running rough, difficult or unable to be started, or engine stall increasing the risk of a ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    DEC 12, 2006
    Vehicles Affected
  3. RECALL: Cab Entry Step Reinforcement

    A person stepping or standing on the platform when it breaks could be injured. Read more »

    Date Announced
    NOV 09, 2005
    Vehicles Affected

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