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New York Lemon Law Information

The New York Lemon Law applies when, during the first two (2) years or 18,000 miles (whichever comes first) following delivery of the vehicle:

  • the dealer has attempted to repair the same problem four (4) or more times, or
  • the vehicle has been out of service due to repair attempts by the dealer for a total of 30 or more calendar days.

To be covered under the New York Lemon Law, the problem must have caused "substantial impairment of value." For example, a defect in the engine which makes the car inoperable is clearly substantial. Some courts have found that the cumulative effect of numerous lesser defects can add up to substantial impairment of value.

The law covers both new and used vehicles where the vehicle was covered by the manufacturer's new car warranty at the time of original delivery; The vehicle was purchased, leased or transferred within the earlier of the first 18,000 miles or two years from the date of original delivery; and the vehicle either: (a) was purchased, leased or transferred in New York State, or (b) is presently registered in New York State; and the vehicle is primarily used for personal purposes.

New York Lemon Law information from the Attorney General's Office »

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Kimmel & Silverman free lemon law case review You will receive 100% cost-free legal representation from the only lemon law firm in the Nation to be honored by the American Bar Association. Kimmel & Silverman is the largest and most successful lemon law firm in the Northeast, backed by a team of knowledgeable, experienced attorneys and three ASE-certified experts. Since 1997, we have worked first-hand with government officials in a continuing effort to strengthen consumer statutes.

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Helpful Lemon Law Tips

Most states require you to notify the dealer and the manufacturer that you have a Lemon Law claim. Always use Certified Mail with Return Receipt.

If the manufacturer has an informal mediation or dispute resolution process, most states require you to do that first before pursuing litigation. However, you should contact a lawyer immediately.

Most lawyers will not charge you for an initial consultation or legal fees for Lemon Law arbitration. If they decide you have a case, normally the manufacturer is forced to pay your legal costs.

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