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Wyoming Lemon Law Information

GET MAD: Wyoming's out-of-service criteria of 30 business days (6 weeks!!) is the second-longest of the 50 state lemon laws, & the 1-year limit is the least amount of time for coverage.

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The Wyoming Lemon Law applies when, during the first (1) year following delivery of a new vehicle:

  • the dealer has attempted to repair the same problem three (3) or more times, or
  • the vehicle has been out of service for repairs at the dealership for a cumulative total of 30 or more business days.

To qualify for the Wyoming Lemon Law, the problem must not have been caused by owner abuse or negligence, or by any unauthorized modifications or alterations made to the vehicle.

Also if your vehicle manufacturer has an informal dispute settlement procedure, you must exhaust your options through that before you are eligible to make a Lemon Law claim in Wyoming.

Wyoming Attorney General's Consumer Protection Unit » Wyoming Lemon Law (Title 40, Chapter 17, §101) »

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The fee is typically $9 to $15, and you do not have to pay anything unless you accept the answer.

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Helpful Lemon Law Tips

Most states require you to notify the dealer and the manufacturer that you have a Lemon Law claim. Always use Certified Mail with Return Receipt.

If the manufacturer has an informal mediation or dispute resolution process, most states require you to do that first before pursuing litigation. However, you should contact a lawyer immediately.

Most lawyers will not charge you for an initial consultation or legal fees for Lemon Law arbitration. If they decide you have a case, normally the manufacturer is forced to pay your legal costs.

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