I leased a 2019 Reserve Nautilus. Turbo engine. We have had multiple transmission problems with the car from the beginning, but they seem to be getting worse. From the other complaints i have seen on this website, it appears that there may be an issue with the transmission. I am taking the car back to the dealer again for the third time this week. The car has been in for repair for at least 3 weeks so far. I understand that new cars may have problems, but i tend to think that this problem is not being dealt with by the manufacturer and I am not sure why, other than there may be no fix at this time. Initially the car made knocking sounds when shifting into drive.
When that was fixed the engine then would stutter and jump when shifting in between gears. When I received that car back again, the engine felt like it was a different engine (ie not the turbo performance engine that i had driven weeks before.) The stuttering was gone, however, the engine now revs to high rpms at low speeds and does not shift. The engine also jumps when accelerating (especially in sport mode), and the engine makes a hard knock sound now when shifting when accelerating. I believe the people at my dealership are very friendly and trying to do the best they can given the situation. I really hope that this problem gets fixed asap. It would helpful to know if other people had the same problem and what fix their dealership did to restore the car to normal condition.
Purchased 2019 Lincoln Nautilus in Dec 2018 from MGM Ford Lincoln.
Took Nautilus(2470kms) into Local dealer in March/2019 with Awkward shifting in lower gears and severe clunk between P and D. They reprogrammed Transmission, In April/2019 took it back with same issue, Dealer reprogrammed again with TSB 19-2103.
Returned vehicle to Dealer in June with same issue. Dealer had contacted Lincoln (Tech Team) who found suspected sticking valve in the valve body. They changed the valve body and reprogrammed transmission solenoid. Dealer road tested and believed it shifted good.
Returned vehicle (6580kms) in July/2019 for the same issue again. Dealer road tested and confirmed awkward shifting, as well as shudder prior to shifting on acceleration. Found misfires on cylinder 1, 2, 3 and 5. Road tested again and could not find any misfire events. Dealer escalated case with Lincoln. Told by Hotline to perform an extended road test, discovered 5 recordings of shudder events. As per Lincoln, dealer ordered new transmission and replaced. Dealer road tested with no issues. (They issued a loaner for almost 3 weeks.)
Spoke with dealer in late August/2019 that the issues were back, and then spoke to Lincoln concierge. They said Lincoln had a programming fix coming out mid Sept to fix all issues.
Returned vehicle (at 9566kms) to Dealer in Sept/2019, with a shudder under hard acceleration, continued clunk from P to D, and the awkward shifting in lower gears. Took the GM of dealer for road test, he verified all issues. Told to park Nautilus and was given a loaner again.
The Dealer has attempted to get assistance from Lincoln to put us in a new Nautilus, and were turned down by multiple levels of Lincoln management. We attempted with our Lincoln Concierge and was told they could do nothing.
Sept 30/2019 we started a compliant with CAMVAP (Canadian program to resolves issues between owners and manufactures), submitted work orders.
We now wait for the "Program Fix" from Lincoln, promised since mid Aug.
Update from Nov 13, 2019: Had our Camvap Hearing on Oct 31,2019. Hearing went very well. On Nov 12/2019 received ruling in our favor. Ford/Lincoln will be reimbursing us for the full purchase price of Vehicle. They have 21 days to issue check.
I purchased a new 2019 Lincoln Nautilus Reserve with the 2.7 V6 on March 30 2019. Within the first few weeks of diving I recognized harsh and jerky shifting when accelerating, mostly in the lower gears. Additionally the vehicle jerked to a stop while downshifting. At about 450 miles I took the Nautilus to my dealership. The service department said that the computer was still learning my driving habits and that the shifting should smooth out in time.
Since the initial visit I have experienced loud banging when shifting from reverse into drive and when shifting from drive into reverse. I have also experienced the transmission slipping when coasting then accelerating. The harsh shifting and shuddering still exists. The downshifting jerking is a bit less noticeable. I now have about 5000 miles on the Nautilus and had it back to the service department of the dealership. They test drove the vehicle and confirmed my concerns.
The service order states "Found TSB 19-2288 Do not attempt to repair at this time. Engineering is working on new calibration." The service department at my dealership is very accommodating and my service history there has been great. However, with this issue they are unable to tell me what and when anything will be done to correct this problem. I am vey disappointed that I am having this type of problem with a Lincoln product. I am even more disappointed and upset that this problem has been ongoing since early this year and no solution is available.
I purchased a brand new very high end $63+K Nautilus in mid november 2019. Beautiful car and I loved driving it. Drove the car for 1200 miles and at a stop sign, the auto stop shut the engine down (as it is supposed to). When I hit the accelerator to proceed, the engine started and the car just revved. I put the car in park and back into drive and a message saying "Shift System Fault" showed up. Called the roadside assistance and they towed the car to the local Lincoln dealership. They did not have a transmission specialist so the transferred it over to another dealership.
After several days they came back with "the transmission has to be replaced but it is backordered". Estimated repair time 4-6 weeks. Four weeks later I got the car back (just under the lemon law limit). After I got the car back, I drove the car for 5 days. I had to take a trip from Salt Lake Cit, UT to Albuquerque, NM for a family emergency. About 100 miles out of Salt Lake City, the transmission started shifting very rough and a warning light shaped like a wrench showed up. Called the Concierge service and thy recommended I stop at the nearest Ford or Lincoln dealership. I did and the code said "Torque Converter Solenoid Stuck Open".
Net result is the car would make it to Albuquerque but I needed to take it to the dealership when I arrived. The dealership in Albuquerque checked the car in. A few days later they called and said the transmission had to be replaced AGAIN! At that point I said I am done. Lincoln did agree to buy the car back (not that they had a choice). They did offer to rent me a car $45/day max. I told them there is no way I can rent a luxury SUV for $45/day. Especially since I had to drive from Albuquerque to Salt Lake City (one way). They eventually paid to fly my wife and I back to SLC. To their credit the buyback has gone pretty smoothly. The one complaint is they have me in a Ford Edge as a loaner and not a Lincoln. I expected to be driving a Lincoln.
We purchased the car last July and noticed the problem early on. We finally had it serviced in September and they said it was fixed. It was not. There was another attempt in November and again it was not fixed.
In January they told us they had no information from Ford in how to fix the problem. This is the 2.0 turbo and I have also heard they are having the same problem with the 2.7. Last week they called and said they "think" they have a way to fix it and are in contact with a head engineer in Michigan. They picked up the car on February 20th and called us Monday the 24th to say it is the transmission and they have to order parts and it could take two weeks to get them. At that time I told them based on my letter to Lincoln in January I want the car repurchased by Lincoln. Today the Michigan rep called to say Lincoln will not buy the car back and they feel confident they have the fix, but it won't be for 10 days to two weeks.
I told her the car now has a reputation and is decreasing in value. When someone pulls a Carfax it's going to show all the service requests and know this car is a Lemon. I will not accept a depreciation on this car as it's been a problem when they sold it to us. It now as only 5,000 miles and will have been in the shop over 20 days this time and over 33 in total. We don't want the car any longer and want Lincoln to buy it back. We doubt they have a fix, and even if they do, at this point the car has a depreciated value for sure.
- gopher,
Flagler Beach, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
Multiple transmission problems on a $70K vehicle. COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.
Sometimes at a stop light, when slowing down then speeding back up, the transmission cannot decide which gear it wants to go into. It's all over the place.
When slowing down, downshifting from 2nd to 1st, as when I pull into my driveway, the transmission seems to hang in 2nd then jerk violently going into 1st.
I've just seen this particular problem on other websites. The transmission is slipping between 3rd and 4th gears. So much in fact the rev's of the engine increase.
Vehicle has been in the shop for months with numerous issues and Lincoln cannot supply a Lincoln loaner car when they do they charge mileage fees! Now they say after two months in the shop it is the torque converter being replaced (transmission removal).
First time it happened my wife thought the car was going to fall apart! When shifting from Park to Drive or Reverse, the clunking noise was so bad I thought the transmission was going to fall out in the parking lot. This seemed to happen more when the car was parked on an incline, so the dealer did an update on it, which worked okay until late Dec. 2020. It has started again, and the car has been at shop for 2 days, they updated the transmission again, it was in for 3 'safety' issues - none of which they can replicate.
Bought my 2019 Nautilus in June of 2019. Less than a week of purchase I had to take it in to have the transmission serviced. They said that they reprogrammed it but it was not fixed. Less than a month later it had to be taken back because the hard shift from reverse to drive got worse. Again they reprogrammed it. It is in the shop for the 4th time for the same thing. Driving in traffic the car shutters on slow down and speeding up. I have complained and not gotten any relief. The dealership has no fix other than reprogram the transmission every time I take it in. It is getting ridiculous and from reading all other complaints Lincoln is not willing to help in any way.
Along with the transmission problem I have had to take it to the shop twice for the cabin noise and cabin pressure. There was so much noise in the car that I was literally sick when I reached my destination. I have had to have the A pillars replaced twice due to warping, the headliner is having to be replaced due to rattling, the splash guard has come loose and had to be repaired. Issues with this car are on going with no true remedies. I would not recommend a Lincoln to my worst enemy. This is my first and my last Lincoln I will ever own. I feel like paying 60k for a car that it would be better and quieter than it is.
Loved my 2016 MKX. Replaced it with the 2019 Nautilus when my lease ended. Within first 300 miles of driving it, the engine lurched forward when putting it into gear. It happened more than once a day. Dangerous in a parking lot, on a street when parallel parked, and cannot park it in my garage for fear it will lurch into my house. Contacted Lincoln dealer in Stamford CT on 9/6/19 when we returned from our road trip. They provided a loaner while they examined our car for problems. The following week the dealer's service dept confirmed they were able to replicate the problem - and the service could relate bc his wife's Nautilus does the same thing! We were told this is a new problem (?) and they are investigating the fix with corporate. That later became corporate has had reports of this with the 2.7L engine, but does not have a fix. "Corporate says it should be ok to drive." That's ridiculous! It "should" be ok to drive, but it definitely is not! More than a month later, no fix, and no car. The loaner is a 2.0L with a Black/Black color combination I said was a deal-breaker when I ordered my car. Way too hot to drive in the summer. But, I guess that won't be as big a concern as I'm still in the loaner in the Autumn. Today our Stamford Lincoln contact told us he thought another guy was going to get back to us. They've run out of excuses, so I guess they just play tag to delay?
This is one of three problems I have had with thec2019 Nautilus since purchasing. I have NEVER had this much trouble with a vehicle in my life. Purchased in early March. Considering checking out lemon laws in OK. The change from reverse to drive intermittently creates a large clunk and passengers in my car (embarrassing since this is a new car!) thought I had hit so,etching the jolt was so violent. Definitely a major issue with transmission or electronics dictating the transmissions behavior.
Purchased this vehicle at FairOaks Ford Lincoln, Naperville, Illinois. Soon after purchasing the vehicle, noticed harsh shifting when slowing down in traffic. Especially noticeable if the fuel economy feature is enabled. While enabled, the transmission does not run smoothly when you begin to accelerate. So annoyed by the feature, I make it a point to disable it. -Seems to help a tiny bit.
Another related problem, if the car is in park, then put in to drive, the shift to drive is so harsh it feels like the transmission will drop out of the vehicle. At one point while in a parking lot, I thought the car was going to lunge forward just by putting it in drive. I'm concerned about the safety of this vehicle. I took it in for service at FairOaks August 22 and they were not able to fix the issue.
Contacted Lincoln Concierge August 22 and again today September 9, their claim is that there is not a fix and 'they' are currently working on it. I don't believe Lincoln's claim since it appears this transmission (8F57) issue has been around since March 2019 (as far as I can tell). I regret purchasing this Lincoln, I should of stuck with Acura. How can Lincoln claim to be a luxury car with a clunky transmission?
I bought a new 2019 Lincoln Nautilus & noticed after a couple of days that shifting was extremely rough, jarring the car. Then 2 days before I had it a month there was the symbol of a wrench show on the message center. I called the dealer and the salesman told me not to drive the car & to have it towed this was on 8/7/2019. It was towed to a Ford dealer because it was closer than the dealer where I bought it. They said they thought the problem was the transmission, but weren’t sure. I then had the selling dealer come pick it up. It has been in Tulsa with the selling dealer since 8/9/19. I have called several times and was basically given the run around. They told me they had only one person who could work on the transmission and he was busy with another car. They also thought it was the transmission but weren’t sure. They finally called on 8/19/19 & told me they had been conferring with Lincoln about the problem because they were getting so many “fault codes†from different places within the transmission. Then the guy said that Lincoln had finally decided it would be cheaper for them to replace the entire transmission and that software updates would not fix the problem. I was then informed, again, that they had only one person to fix transmissions & he was still busy with the same car he had been working on when they got the car on 8/9/19. Then he told me it would be at least until Sept. 1 before it would be ready. Lincoln knew about this problem from what I’ve been reading about this car. They should not be selling this model with that transmission. This was a very expensive car & I feel like I was royally ripped off. I have driven Lincoln’s for years and traded in a perfectly good 2017 MKX with less than 11,000 miles. I wish I had it back. Lincoln should be ashamed for selling an auto with known defects in this new transmission. I believe my love affair with Lincoln products is over. Hello Lexus.
Update from Sep 3, 2019: After reading other complaints on this site, I contacted the Lincoln Roadside Assistance (Concierge) regarding the long time I have been without my car. I was told my complaint would be upgraded, or some other term, and that I would be contacted by a customer service manager. I was. I stated I would be using our state's "Lemon Law" if the repair took over 30 business days. She promised to call on August 27, 2019 with an update. She called. She said the car did not qualify as a "Lemon" at this time (which I knew, because I have to be without it for 30 working days. The service manager person told me that day that they had received the new transmission for my car and would start working on it the 28th. The person in the dealer's service department had told me that it wouldn't be ready before September 1. Again, they have only one transmission person and he was still working on the Nautilus he was working on when they got the car on August 9, 2019. I still have no idea when I'll ever get my car. I bought the one that is called the top of the line, with every available option. It's been so long I barely remember having it. I doubt I'll pay cash for a car again. Also, I'm thankful to have a loaner to drive, but, of course, the loaner does not have the options my car has and without the air conditioned seats in this Oklahoma heat, it's stressful and I have to cary a towel to place on the seat so I don't burn my legs. I don't believe I have ever been this disiappointed in a vehicle. As of 9-3-19 nothing has been resolved.
Update from Dec 3, 2019: The loaner Nautilus had to be returned to the dealer because the AC went out. They finally called and told me that the new transmission had arrived and they would soon do the installation. Then several days later, they called and said they had something funny/not funny to tell me: somehow instead of sending the bad transmission to Lincoln, the new one was returned. Then they called and said they were going to have the car repaired the Friday after Labor Day. They said they wanted to keep it a few days the next week to make sure it was working properly. In the meantime I had sent the dealer and Lincoln certified letters that the car was a lemon and wanted my money back. Well, they received the letter on the Monday after I sent it, two days after service said they wanted to keep it a few days to check it out. All of a sudden, on Monday morning the general manager called me and played down all that happened with the car. After that call, the service department called me and said they would be bring my car to me that day! They brought it and said it was working perfectly. It did for 3 days. Then the harsh shifting AND the awful noise under the car started. Along with the noise, the car was not only shifting harshly, but I was being physically jerked in my seat. I called Lincoln and was told that Lincoln was aware of the problem and the engineers were working on a fix, but that there was no fix for it yet. Two months later I had the fix applied. Of course again I was told it was perfect. Although I had told them about the problem with Auto Hold, Lincoln did not authorize anything to be done for that issue. It is my opinion that Lincoln has acted in bad faith. The issues with the car have made me physically ill. I never know what’s going to go wrong when I drive the car, so I drive it as little as I can. This has been a 5-month nightmare that shows no signs of letting up. Of course Lincoln continues to deny me any relief other than extending the warranty or oil changes. They expect me to continue putting up with a defect vehicle.
Brand New 2019 Lincoln Nautilus Reserve purchased at Pugmire Lincoln in Marietta, GA.
When I put the car in DRIVE (press the D button on the dash), there is a loud SLAM in the engine area, and the whole car jolts/shakes. It happens at least once a day under normal conditions. It does not happen with other gears.
This is the second MAJOR issue I have had with this 2019 Lincoln Nautilus, and it is 2-weeks old with under 250 miles.
Update from Jul 12, 2019: Pugmire Lincoln Service folks called today to tell me that the software upgrade to the transmission did not work and that they next step is to drop the transmission pan to look for "residue" (which we all know is metal flake from crap parts and piss poor quality control). They are saying that the whole transmission - electronics and mechanical - will likely need replacement. The Pugmire Service folks did state that Lincoln engineers are aware of this as a wide spread issue with other 2019 Nautilus.
So, this will not be the last time you hear of this issue.
Update from Jul 22, 2019: The transmission needs a complete replacement.....However there are no replacement transmissions available at this time, and Lincoln Motor Company is refusing to replace the vehicle with a new one. So, the Nautilus is sitting on a car lift at Pugmire with the front end taken off is very sad shape...with no estimated date of repair.
Update from Aug 22, 2019: Ford outsources the "Lincoln Concierge Service" to the company, Percepta. LCS/Percepta is the company you contact when you want to complain, or ask Ford to declare your vehicle a Lemon. Which I did. After fighting with LCS/Percepta for a few weeks, my brand new 2019 Nautilus was declared a Lemon @ 522 miles under Georgia Lemon Law. As noted before...there are NO replacement transmissions available for this car, so my car is still un-repaired after 45 days. If you need a new transmission for a Nautilus at this time, tough luck.
After the Nautilus was declared a Lemon, I was then sent to a group call the "Reacquisition" team. Their job is to Replace my Nautilus with a brand new one or Repurchase my Nautilus so Ford then owns it again. I am currently negotiating a settlement with this team. If we cannot reach an equitable solution for replacement, I will be asking for a Repurchase and taking my money back to Mercedes...where it was before I bought the Lincoln. This is a painful process and frankly I cannot believe I am considering a replacement Nautilus with the same transmission.
We just got a new transmission in car after they experienced it jerking into drive. Now the new transmission shifts hard in low gear. I expect better than this from a luxury vehicle.
The issue appears to occur in lower gears in lower speeds. Jerks when shifting from, I think, 2nd to 3rd gear. I just notified the salesperson at my dealership and also left a message for the Lincoln Service Mgr.
After reading the other two posts on this same issue, I figured it isn't just my vehicle! I've NEVER spent this much on a vehicle and am surprised to see this happening. I'm hoping reprogramming the PCM as the other owner discussed but it doesn't sound like that is the answer. I now have 2000 miles on the Nautilus. I did notice the issue within the first few weeks but thought it was my imagination. I am not leasing, I BOUGHT. So......hoping there is a fix!
Update from May 8, 2019: I took the Nautilus to my dealer with the TSB. They gave me a new Explorer for the day. 2 hours later it was ready. Software reset and problem is gone. It's only been 36 hrs. I'll update in a few weeks in case the fix doesn't last.
Update from Jun 6, 2019: It's been weeks since the software was reset. Problem is gone.
My complaint relates to problems with the 8F57 transmission, a new transmission in the 2019 Lincoln Nautilus and at least one model of the 2019 Ford Edge, and the related Lincoln/Ford Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) 19-2103:
I took delivery of this Nautilus on March 4, 2019 and immediately started noticing harsh shifts, particularly at low speeds in slow moving traffic. It seems to be in the first three gears, both when downshifting when slowing down and when upshifting when accelerating slowly. It varies all the way from harsh, bumpy shifts to outright clunks and lurches. It also clunks into drive and reverse after starting up.
I immediately took it back to the dealer who advised that several other Nautiluses they had sold had reported similar problems, including the owner of the dealership who owns a Nautilus. They reprogrammed the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) with new software they received from Lincoln, and this partially helped, but after a few days the problem recurred. The Service Department manager told me that they had done the same software update on other cars with the problem, with the same unsatisfactory result. He said he was sure Lincoln must be aware of the issue, assured me it was software related, not mechanical, and that Lincoln was no doubt working on a software fix. In the meantime there was nothing I could do about it.
I spoke to the Lincoln Concierge people who suggested I get a second opinion from another Lincoln dealer, which I did with the same result, although the car wouldn't let the technician there reprogram the PCM, since the PCM was reporting it already had the latest software. The second dealer was also aware of the problem and had several customers reporting it.
On April 5, just over a month after taking delivery of the car, and with just under 1000 miles on it, I received a call from the first dealer, advising that Lincoln had just issued Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) 19-2103, which seemed to exactly describe the problems I had been having with the transmission:
"Issue: Some 2019 Edge/Nautilus vehicles equipped with a 8F57 transmission and built on or before 01-Mar-2019 may exhibit harsh/bumpy upshift, downshift and/or engagement concerns. This may be due to various powertrain control module (PCM) software parameters for upshift flares, stationary and rolling engagements, and coasting downshift bumps. To resolve the condition, reprogram the PCM."
Unfortunately, when the dealer tried to reprogram the PCM, the car's computer reported once again that it already had the latest software -- so I was back to square 1, with the service manager again telling me that Lincoln surely must be aware of the problem and surely must be working on a solution. He promised to get back to me if and when he hears something further from Lincoln.
I was amazed that Lincoln can deliver $60,000+ vehicles with a known problem as bad as this and not be able to fix it, so I called the Lincoln Concierge people again on April 16, 2019 and asked that they take me out of the lease or exchange my car for one which doesn't have the problems - note the language in the TSB that says that only "some" Nautiluses built on or before March 1, 2019 have the problem. By then I had become accustomed to the total lack of responsiveness and customer care from the Lincoln, so I was not surprised that, although they agreed to do a "Good Faith Review" as to the possibility of replacing the car, they denied the request about a week later.
The concierge suggested that I contact the service department of a third dealer, even a Ford dealer, to see if they have a solution to the problem that the two Lincoln dealers haven't come up with. I have an appointment in a few days with a Ford dealer which is also familiar with the problem, but have already been advised by the service people that the only thing they will be able to do is attempt to reprogram the PCM. So this is the classic definition of madness - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
I have only good things to say about the service people from all three dealers as well as the Concierge people with whom I have spoken. It is with Lincoln/Ford that I have a problem -- this transmission is clearly defective from a mechanical and/or software standpoint and Lincoln's lack of responsiveness both to its customers - and to its dealers - is simply unacceptable.
I have been told by the service departments of the two Lincoln dealers as well as by the Lincoln Concierge people that there is no one I can speak with at Lincoln about this, that Lincoln's policy is for these issues to be dealt with between its dealers and customers, and the dealers will communicate with Lincoln in behalf of the customers. That would be fine if Lincoln would at least acknowledge - to its dealers, if not to its customers - that the software fix they have been recommending for the past month is NOT working, that they are working on a patch that will really work, and give some kind of time frame as to when this might happen. Instead, all anyone, including their dealers, hears is the sound of crickets coming from a huge black hole in Dearborn. This is the first Lincoln I have had and will no doubt be the last.
I would appreciate any helpful feedback from anyone at Carcomplaints.com or other users who might read this posting, especially anyone who has experienced similar problems with the 8F57 transmission.
Thank you.
Update from Jul 20, 2019: After almost 5 months since I took delivery of the car, Lincoln has been unable to fix the problem, stating that it is entirely software-related and that their technicians are "working on it". When the software is fixed, they will let me know, but they don't know when that will be.
I leased a 2019 Reserve Nautilus. Turbo engine. We have had multiple transmission problems with the car from the beginning, but they seem to be getting worse. From the other complaints i have seen on this website, it appears that there may be an issue with the transmission. I am taking the car back to the dealer again for the third time this week. The car has been in for repair for at least 3 weeks so far. I understand that new cars may have problems, but i tend to think that this problem is not being dealt with by the manufacturer and I am not sure why, other than there may be no fix at this time. Initially the car made knocking sounds when shifting into drive.
When that was fixed the engine then would stutter and jump when shifting in between gears. When I received that car back again, the engine felt like it was a different engine (ie not the turbo performance engine that i had driven weeks before.) The stuttering was gone, however, the engine now revs to high rpms at low speeds and does not shift. The engine also jumps when accelerating (especially in sport mode), and the engine makes a hard knock sound now when shifting when accelerating. I believe the people at my dealership are very friendly and trying to do the best they can given the situation. I really hope that this problem gets fixed asap. It would helpful to know if other people had the same problem and what fix their dealership did to restore the car to normal condition.
- hellas, Manhasset, US