Notes: The Dodge Intrepid, Stratus & other Chrysler sedans are infamous for oil sludge problems with the 2.7L V6 engine. If someone offers to sell you a 2.7L V6 model, it's only worth the price of the scrap metal it's going to shortly turn into.
NOTE: Only the 2.7L V6 has the oil sludge problem. Our "Avoid like the Plague" designation is ONLY for models with the 2.7L V6 engine. All other available engines are very reliable with no major problems.
Even with regular maintenance, the oil sludge defect eventually destroys the 2.7L engine typically around 80,000-100,000 miles. The only true fix we know about is to put in the larger 3.2L engine, which has a great reputation.
This issue was never deemed a safety defect by the Feds, so there was no recall. In the end, Chrysler got away with FOUR YEARS worth of defective 2.7L V6 engines in their sedans.
Ok, so I'm an idiot. Bought this car just 4 days ago from a private owner. Ran great when I tested it and was fine the last few days. Owner said it was in good condition. Opened the hood, everything was spotless,clean as a whistle. Should have known then something would go wrong. Today I was driving to work and, luckily I was at a toll booth, the car died. UGH! I waited a few minutes and got it to start just long enough to pull over to the side and rest it. Got it started and made it off the toll road and into a supermarket parking lot. If I came to a stop, it started to cut out on me, YAY! Had it towed to a shop. They tested it and said it was fine. I said test it at 65MPH and see what happens. Sure enough, it happened again. Turns out it needs the engine replaced. Said it would cost $3500 just for the engine. The oil pressure was low and they found metal shavings in the oil. HELLO!!!! So, I'm out $1800 that I paid for the car and now I don't have a car. So angry right now. I understand that it has 123,000 miles on it, but it looked like it was in great condition, from what I could see anyway.
my car started off fine until the fan blade itself broke so i had that repaired but then after about 25 miles of driving the car just cut off now for the life of me i can't begin to figure out what is wrong with the dam thing but i know one thing i will not invest anymore money into it
I faithfully had my oil changed every 3,000 miles. I would have it changed at a Jiffy Lube or the dealer or at another service station. Of course, when my engine blew and had to be towed approximately 60 miles. I talked with the dealership prior to the tow and was told that there was no problem with it being covered and so I agreed to the expense. When I arrived at the dealership, they told me that Daimler-Chrysler was denying my warranty because I did not have proof of every oil change. I was finally able to find a used engine from an Intredpid that had been totalled (rear) with only 7,000 miles on it. When the engine was switched out, my mechanic wrote a letter to Daimler-Chrysler and was told that he was wrong about his findings of it being a defect in the engine. I have been a Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth person from my first car and can honestly say, this is my last!!! I believe that I have been cheated out of $5,000 for something that should NEVER have happened. I take very good care of my cars. Daimler/Chrysler should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!
my dodge intrepid had that breather valve randomly blow off one day while i was going 70mph on the freeway on a warm cali day. coolant was pissing all over the place. the repair would have been about 1100$. this is a common problem on the late 90s intrepids. (happen to a friend with the same exact car.) after this occurred my motor started a ticking noise, that eventually turned into knocking and now the motor is blown. this is why american car companies are going out of business. too many years of bad craftsmanship, cheap parts(that aren't even made in the US) and zero accountability. i feel really bad for all those people out in Detroit loosing there jobs. all those top execs are selling everything off, laying everyone off, taking bailout money, and now claiming chapter 11. what has happened to this country? anyone know where i can find a used 2.7l v6 dohc motor for my car? help a brother out! and for all you others, i feel bad for you.
This engine has been maintained very carefully but began using oil two years ago, had several items repaired, continual engine light problems, continued to get worse until engine finally failed. Unbelievable for a car with slightly over 100,000 miles. My mechanic says replacing it from a wrecked car is uselss since the engine us useless.and re manufactured engine replacement will be in excess of 3000.00!
- mopreacher,
Moberly, MO, US
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I didn't learn after the first 2.7 engine failed at 80000 miles, I replaced it thinking synth oil would solve the problem. Next failure at 128000, spun rod bearing, really confirms Chrysler put one to the general public. How can such a major major financial hardship be pushed down the general public's throat and we do NOTHING ? Complaining all day long is for the attorneys to stay in business. What happened to strength in numbers. We certainly have enough screwed people who bought Intrerpids, Whose ass do I kick? Whose retirement fund at Chrysler do I get because they Stole thousands from mine! Well, off to buy something foreign.
Well what can i say its $2500 to fix myself to have the same problem in 2 years i think not. Dodge simply needs to recall these engines thought about possibly a 3.2L in the car but not sure how hard that would be to have done. or expensive. The greatest part is Dodge got my wife and I a rental 300 and offered to pay for it while the car was being fixed. now since Chrysler is in bankruptcy they are saying its a Chrysler engine and there's nothing more they can do and are offering $1500 for the car vs fixing it. the KBB is $3500. dodge is a terrible company... i thought ford was bad being my godfather worked for them and i heard the inside stories etc but dodge isn't much better perhaps they deserve bankruptcy.
I bought a 99 dodge intrepid from JIM KEIM FORD in Columbus Ohio in Aug of 2008 by March 2009 I'm bumming rides to work. Im told the main bearing in the engine has gone bad. I only had this car 7 months and im back on the street. from what I hear everyone who's owned an intrepid is having this problem...Not sure if there was a solution / recall or what.
Well, this Intrepid was my first car. I'm a Senior in high school and without a car. I bought this in July of 2008 for only $2100...I like Dodges and Chryslers, but this Intrepid started to have problems around September, the second week of school. It started smoking very bad--I thought, well, it's probably needing an oil change, but my dad had already changed the oil not too long ago. Later on, I started it, and it sounded like a washer agitation cycle after a few minutes. I knew someone who was the mechanic type, and I asked him to come over. He opened the hood, and without looking, he said, This car is done. I asked why, and he said that the 2.7 engines get build-up...I was mortified! I loved this car! I asked what can be done, and he said, short of replacing the engine, it's going to have to be rebuilt. I asked how much a new engine would cost--he said anywhere from $500 to 2000...well, I called in my grandpa for a second opinion. He said the same thing. He is a die-hard Mopar (Chrysler) fan so he called me back a couple of days and offered me $1800 for it and he'd go find an engine. He found an engine off of a wrecked Concorde for about $700, a 3 something runs again fine. Unfortunate that this happened, I like Chryslers. But, I will just avoid anything with a 2.7 and I'm actively looking for a Sebring sedan, a 2002 or something. I have to say my mom's 2004 Caravan has had no major problems, just the driver's window and the rear wiper, and my grandpa's Dodge Cummins truck is S-O-L-I-D. Guess that, like any maker, there's the lemons...
The Dodge Intrepid is a mechanical disaster. I wish I would of found this website before I purchased the car. Same complaint as everyone else. Engine failure, ticking and I know will be a seized engine soon. Dodge let the public down. another scandal for Dodge corporation, so lets get to work, pay our taxes, so we can bail them out for screwing us. Its the American way???????
Dodge will never see another dime from me. I hope this great American car company goes belly up and dies the miserable death it deserves for screwing Americans that are dumb enough to buy or drive one. I bought this car 3 months ago. It ran fine. I got back from a a short 60 mile trip and the knock of death was so loud I couldn't hear my self fart. This car needs another engine but we all know that it's a waste of time. The engine will fail after another 20 or 50 thousand miles so why not buy ANYTHING else and throw this car in the dumpster. Bye bye 4000 dollars that i just paid. I Hate ur guts dodge makers!!!!!!!!! Own up and recall your junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never buy a Dodge product unless you hate sanity and money. If you own a Dodge with the 2.7 engine I�m very sorry. I have all but given up on Dodge making this right. I have a sob story that I will spare everyone from reading. Instead of complaining I have decided that I will make Dodge pay every day until they settle up with me, they go bankrupt, or I�m dead. I have discouraged a number of people from buy Dodge and Chrysler products. Most recently convinced my friend not to buy a new Cherokee. In my group of roughly thirty friends I�m proud to announce there is only one Dodge owner and he will be buying a new non-Dodge soon. I know in the grand scheme of things it probably make no difference to Dodge but it makes me feel like I�m winning little victories. I told my story to a used car dealer at an auto show. He was only slightly aware of the 2.7 issue and I told him to be sure to google "Dodge 2.7" when he went home.
I feel like I paid Dodge for a service that they never provided. I would like another car or for Dodge to publicly admit that they only expect their product to last around 75,000. I would have gone through less aggravation if Dieter Zetsche would have robbed me of 12K at gunpoint. When Dodge says five star service is that out of 100?
I am truly amazed that with as many complaints as there have been regarding the 2.7 liter engine, that there has not been a law suit yet, held against the Dodge company for all the faulty engines that have happened across the USA. My incident happened back a few months ago. I gave my car to my son as a present, so he could go to work in it, and also attend school in it. And yes, I still have 15 months of payments left on it. The car is beautiful looking, as many other owners have also noticed, but the A/C went out, (late 2007)with a foul odor coming out of the vent(as also noticed on this website. The oil change was done every 3-4 months, or 3,000 miles. Then the car decided to make awful noise for my son as he was going to work, and that was it. I brought it in to our mechanic, and he said the engine was dead. (approx. $3,500-$4,000) to repair. I don't have that kind of money in the bank, and I don't have the credit card balance to have it paid for either. I thought I was going crazy, thinking that maybe I didn't check the oil for up to 2 weeks, but it just didn't make sense. Until I came upon this complaint site and found out how many other owners have had the same, if not very similar problems. Please feel free to email me at if you have any help in a class-action lawsuit against Dodge.
I bought the car in August of 2004 and did research but not enough to really delve into all of the issues that have happened with this engine. Since my purchase, however, it has come to many peoples' attention that this engine was the absolute worst creation that mankind has ever sold to its fellows. In March of 2006, my car started acting up, not starting from time to time and stalling ocassionally. I replaced the battery, took out the aftermarket security system, with the thought that it was screwing with the car's electrical system, replaced spark plugs, the whole nine yards. In April of 2006, as I was getting off the freeway, I heard clunks and noises no car should make, and it stalled out on the off ramp. A state police officer helped me get my car back to my house and I then took it into my mechanic who later informed me that a rod had snapped in one of the cylinders due to the engine failure from oil sludge. I spent $4000 to replace this engine and yesterday, August 24,2008, the car completely died while I was driving home. I was 150 miles away from my destination, and called AAA to get it towed. A mechanic fixed the alternator (which seemed to be the root of the problem) and when we went to jump the car, the engine would not turn over. After a good 45 minutes of trying to jump the car, he said he was going to try and turn the engine over by hand and found out that the engine was completely locked up and was hesitant to tell me the truth: the engine was dead, again. So now I am currently dealing the company who sold me the rebuilt engine to see if they will fix this extremely faulty engine, but if they refuse to honor the warranty that is still good, I am scrapping the car for all it is worth and refusing to buy another Daimler Chrysler product as long as am a consumer.
I am with you 100%!!! A lawsuit is EXACTLY what needs to be done!I bought my Intrepid in 2004 & needed a new engine in 2005.Two years later,with a new 2.7 engine, guess what happened.When a friend told me he wanted a car like mine,I laughed & laughed.He bought one anyway & the same thing happened!His response to me was,"Why didn't you warn me?!"The laughter was your warning my friend.So being stuck with payments on a car that has died twice, I am more than ready to join forces & SUE!!!!!!The Annoyed customers did the same to Paydays car co. & they were ordered to pay millions of dollars to their customers.I know because I was one of them!Thats why I tried the Intrepid.I am with you guysall the way!!!!!
Ok, so I'm an idiot. Bought this car just 4 days ago from a private owner. Ran great when I tested it and was fine the last few days. Owner said it was in good condition. Opened the hood, everything was spotless,clean as a whistle. Should have known then something would go wrong. Today I was driving to work and, luckily I was at a toll booth, the car died. UGH! I waited a few minutes and got it to start just long enough to pull over to the side and rest it. Got it started and made it off the toll road and into a supermarket parking lot. If I came to a stop, it started to cut out on me, YAY! Had it towed to a shop. They tested it and said it was fine. I said test it at 65MPH and see what happens. Sure enough, it happened again. Turns out it needs the engine replaced. Said it would cost $3500 just for the engine. The oil pressure was low and they found metal shavings in the oil. HELLO!!!! So, I'm out $1800 that I paid for the car and now I don't have a car. So angry right now. I understand that it has 123,000 miles on it, but it looked like it was in great condition, from what I could see anyway.
- Tracey B., Orlando, FL, US