Notes: The Dodge Intrepid, Stratus & other Chrysler sedans are infamous for oil sludge problems with the 2.7L V6 engine. If someone offers to sell you a 2.7L V6 model, it's only worth the price of the scrap metal it's going to shortly turn into.
NOTE: Only the 2.7L V6 has the oil sludge problem. Our "Avoid like the Plague" designation is ONLY for models with the 2.7L V6 engine. All other available engines are very reliable with no major problems.
Even with regular maintenance, the oil sludge defect eventually destroys the 2.7L engine typically around 80,000-100,000 miles. The only true fix we know about is to put in the larger 3.2L engine, which has a great reputation.
This issue was never deemed a safety defect by the Feds, so there was no recall. In the end, Chrysler got away with FOUR YEARS worth of defective 2.7L V6 engines in their sedans.
Never buy this piece of junk ,i even hate to admit that Japanese make better cars than this sh*t..Wasted my money on this utter crap and one day on highway got stalled wont turn on.Tried everything that could fix it but not it wont.In the end the Mechanic said change the engine.I am not dumb enough to change engine which will cost me more than buying an another car.Never buy dodge cars between 1997 - 2000 they are utter crap.
11/16/04 Motor making loud clanking noise. wouldn't restart. Dealership had to tow. Told it through a rod through the block. ONLY 81,463 MILES!!!! I only had 2 months left on my extended warranty. Had to fax GE all my receipts for oil changes and regular maintenance to prove I wasn't at fault. GE paid $5185.30 for Jasper Re-manufactured Engine and the installation. Warranty wouldn't cover all of rental car. I had to pay $300.00 of rental $200.00 for the deductible and an extra $107.47 so they would do the 100,000 mile tune-up changing all the belts, plugs, pvc valve, and all filters.
i purchased this car and a year later the motor went out the car lot was helpful enough to replace the motor and put the cost at the end of my payments......WELL.... not even a year later iam on the highway and the car just stops on me NEVER to start again...Ive been told its the motor AGAIN.....AND THE BAD THING ABOUT IT IS I FINISHED PAYING OFF THE CAR AND HAD 2 PAYMENTS LEFT ON THE MOTOR PAYMENTS ....WELL I GUESS ITS A GOOD THING......BUT WHAT IS EVEN FUNNIER I STILL OWE THE TWO PAYMENTS AND THE CAR LOT HASNT EVEN TRIED TO REPO THE CAR....I GUESS THEY KNOW ITS A PIECE OF SH*T TOO,,, i really did love my dodge intrepid it was actually the first car i purchased myself.....
Bought my 1999 Dodge Intrepid 2.7L V6 from a friend, was happy with the car very comfortable and spacious but after 2 years I notice its started to turn off on me and after a oil change the oil light turn on and driving to work the car stop on the light and turned off I couldnt get it running took it to the mecanic and he didnt even want to touch it another mecanic did the job he ahd a rebuilt engine and my car came to life again but now Im having the same issues and took it to another mecanic and he said to get rid of it because the engine is going bad this suck alot because this is a great car but the engine on these car sucks no mecanic want to work on it they all keep saying the same thing to get rid of it.
Replaced engine at 140000 miles. Monday the newer engine that has less than 20000 FAILED and will have to replaced! Thank you Dodge for a car that still looks great, but does me no good when I can't drive it!
- S E.,
Lafayette, IN, US
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This was a pretty new to me car, turned out to be pretty much just scrap metal. Same old story about the 1999 dodge intrepid 2.7 hunk of junk. I really want to be a part of a class action suit against dodge for screwing us like this.
I bought the car used with 94000 miles, test drove great, about a week later it quit running. I changed cam and crank shaft sensors, a few days later started running really high, like idling at 3000 rpm. Turned out cleaning the sensors did more good then buying new ones. The car ran good for me for about two months,then it decided it was done. Now all it will take is a mere $2500, plus instalation charges, lets say around $3500. And this, what should have been ran through the factory as no more then yard junk, will be good as new. i paid $1900. for the car used about 3 months ago, put another $1000 in repairs so far and now i need an engine. I don't like it enough to pay the small fee of $250/week plus gas and towing to drive.
They're ad should have been, this years intrepid is "totally worry free. guaranteed to look good while in-tow. and can then be used as a yard ornament, 1999 dodge intrepid 2.7, dont worry you will be stranded."
This should not be okay for dodge. i really want to sue dodge.
I was fooled too into buying this car. I am not saying all Dodges are a mistake. No! I have a dodge ram as well and it is very reliable. But I had to down grade to a car for gas mileage purposes. My parents helped me pay 2500$ for a 1999 dodge intrepid color gold. Love the the body of it and interior. Lady bold faced lied to me and told me she never had any problems with this car. Because as I see all of US has for a long time. She said she needed an SUV for her business. Well I as well as my parents are out 2500$. So instead of saving my tax refund I have to find something cheap and fast. Had the car not even a month and it did this!!!!! The car has maybe one more week or day to go. I can't keep oil in it more than a day now!!
Notice of Car symptoms and bad engine
check engine light came on
week later oil light came on
finding oh it's burned up and bone dry (mind you it just had an oil change 4weeks before)
put more oil in it.
week later no oil again
oh RPMS are revving when idling
put oil in again and repeat
well now oil doesn't last a day. F*!
Took it in my engine is "sh*t" exact words from mechanic.
"These engines are sh*t."
Ironic thing there is actually humor to this because I looked the complaints up a month ago. Told my husband. He thought I was full of it. Well hmm guess I told him so. But also we are out a car. With no money to buy a new one.
I have been told by all the used parts places in my state telling me the 2.7 engine is junk and to junk the car or I will be in the same shape in a few months! A lot of the mechanics in the state will not work on the engine because they can not guarantee the engine from failure! I have contacted Dodge on this matter and they informed me there are few complaints of engine problems! I have seen many sites of problems with this engine! I would buy another Dodge if they would fix the problem with the one I have! I am not secure of buying a car that a company doesn't stand behind and lets the customer down! My Father just bought a Chevy because he was disappointed in Dodge for leaving his daughter out to dry! A loss for Dodge for a new Min Van! My Family and friends are banning Dodge unless they fix this and show they care for there customers! Dodge looks cold hearted for turning there back on the people that bought the vehicles that lead them where they are today! Your losing loyalty and thats a mistake Dodge corporation! You lose to many peoples loyalties and your company fails and maybe you really need to look at other companies who have failed due to this!
Please let me know if you are going to solve the problem of the 2.7 engine! Until then no Dodges for my family and friends and my facebook friends! If you ever want me to buy a Dodge please resolve the problem by a recall so us 2.7 engine owners think you care!
Chrysler should be ashamed of themselves for knowingly selling defective equipment - they've been aware of the engine oil sludge problems on their 2.7 and 3.2 litre engines, yet they continued to manufacture and sell them. Way to screw your customers
WOW I DID IT AGAIN.........In1999 I leased my new car for three years......loved it so much that I decided to purchase it at the end of the lease. I paid more then what it was worth but I took very good care of it so figured It should run for a very long time with no problems. BAD MISTAKE..two years later with only 56,000 miles the car started running bad. I had to replace the cam & crank sensors at a cost of $500.00.
The very next week driving to work I heard a tinging and banging from the engine right in front of the Chrysler Plant..... and no I didn't work there..... I had to pull over and get off the very busy 4 lane hwy. I pulled into the first available driveway it died so I coasted into the employee executive parking lot. I even laughed to myself as pissed as I was.... told the guard I would get a tow truck ASAP.
If I knew what was wrong with the 2.7 engine piece of crap I would have left it there with a huge sign and called the News to come and listen to my story...Well it took many phone calls with no help. The dealer ship wanted to see copies of all my oil receipts but because of the oil sludge build up. They told me it was driver neglect. I had the oil changed regularly. They denied my claim...just like many others... it would cost 5-7 thousand dollars to replace the engine but they were back ordered.wonder why!!! I still owed $2000.00 on the car and I did not have the money to put into it.
I lost my job so my beautiful designed 1999 Intrepid had to sit in my garage until I could afford to fix wifes cousins gave me a car to drive for work. I decided to save the money to fix it after listening to the sales pitch of the mechanic and the condition of my car was mint.. On top of all that I lowered the Insurance coverage but kept theft and fire...well that didn't work because the bank called and demanded full coverage even with my letter and repair estimate. I told them I it has a dead engine the car can not start but they still insisted I reinstate my coverage or they will tack it on to my loan. Well like hell if they were going to do that I paid my loan off with a credit card 0% interest.
I finally saved some money and had the engine rebuilt in 2005 they told me if I used synthetic oil I would get 200K miles out of it. WELLLLL here I go again 40K miles later the engine has sludge build up and is ready to seize . At 75.00 for oil changes every 3000 miles the pc of crap is gone again. Can't believe I was scammed again ......
Chrysler you are horrible company that won't back up your product to put people through all this grief........this time to the junk yard
had to call 2 times tow truck to carry it to the shop that cost a money because earlier the vehicle was blowing smoke out the dam tail pipe/then the dam oil got mixed in with the radiator container and it was burnig oil when i had the oil checked it had no oil on the stick had kept the oil changed and mateinance had to carry it to the shop dam that sh*t cost $1,020.00 / the mechanic said that the car was no good because he had 2-3 cars come in with some of the same problems but what i don't understand the car ran good you coudn't hear it running but when the oil was low a little sometimes you would hear a rattling i was upset woke up 1 day to go to work the car wouldn't crank /brought a new battery and plugs they had oil all over them kept them changed too still want cranked i was told it was the motor was bad / now i will never buy another dodge and i told my family and friends they said they won't the headaches
luckily, I got this intrepid from a friend (who got it at a government auction), so it was actually worth swapping the engine (80,000 miles). I've been reading about these 2.7L engines with complete amazement. Now, I know I should just swap and forget even seeing the 2.7, but I had to inspect this blown engine myself. I've heard of sludge, lack of oil pressure to timing components, and the word "blown" is kind of general..but what I found makes me contemplate a few things. First, I am a mechanic. I've worked on things that fly, float, drive, harvest, etc etc. I'm not saying I know everything, and I know someone out there will disagree with me (most likely the chrysler corp) but I found a very interesting clue in this motor.
top end was fairly clean, but there was a premature layer of burned oil residue- but Ive seen this on many motors- nothing out of the ordinary for high mileage engines, especially on non-moving parts that are close to slinging oil. I though maybe I had a rebuilder, and got pretty excited. The timing components didnt look worn in strange ways. But further inspection showed all. This engine had a lack of oil FLOW (mass of oil) to the middle two pistons, which seized to the sides of the sleeve, causing the rod of one piston to break off and take out the other rod. Seen this in race engines, when the oil supply isn't adequate, the turning parts start eating each other. The crank showed signs of lack of oil (gouges, reamed out oil supply hole). So now, the theory....
Any pump makes pressure, but there are different sizes and types of pumps which can make pressure AND provide suitable oil flow, measured in Gallons per minute (USA). It seems to me that the oil pump is not providing the right amount of flow, even though pressures are acceptable when built. That could be that the reason the first sign of a failing engine is the flickering oil light. Because these parts are robbed of the right flow (amount) of oil, they spin on inadequate supply (thereby breaking down the oil through friction and overheating and causing.. TAH DAH, sludge), and as they wear out and allow more and more oil by, the pressure and flow drops (light flickers on the verge of "not enough"), the need for increased flow is either do or die. Pressure can be a misleading characteristic of oil supply, and I believe as I dig deeper into this, Im going to find that the oil passages in the block aren't the failure, the engine design isnt the failure, its the pump (at least on this engine. I had read where the water pump was leaking coolant into oil- which is another problem that was "updated") It simply does not deliver enough oil flow where necessary, and when parts break down allowing more and more oil to leak out of the pressure system, it allows timing chain tensioners to loosen, pistons to become dry, and crank bearings that overheat and score the crank surface, sludge to build up and then clog passages. Residue, essentially burned oil, coats the things that burned it up, leaving a highly tenacious coating that compounds wear over time. The number one replacement part for the updated engines is the oil pump. Get the flow up and thats a good start, then add an oil cooler. A big one. Not just for the cooling ability, but the extra oil capacity as well. I wish I could have twenty of these engines to run to death and then examine them. But I guess theres 20,000 of them in junk yards that weren't run hard at all. Im surprised the gov't even considered loaning chrysler any money with the way they stiffed the police, military, and state gov't with these crap cars. If I can find enough 3.2/3.5 engines, im gonna be busy for a long time. Of course, putting a new engine in these cars is like throwing money in a fire. I considered keeping this one, but no. I think I'll just sell it.
So, can I ask what some have learned? Is it better to buy a new dodge, or to find a 100,000 mile toyota? ride the bus? A bicycle? If new dodge even went through your head, slap yourself.
And, anyone, feel free to correct me if you think I am wrong. Ive never encountered a 2.7 except this one, and Im curious if anyone else observed something like what I saw. Theres more to the story, mostly how the rods and rod caps and bolts broke. Its almost like the rod cap bolt broke first, but I cant decide if that was a victim part to another failing system (although I don't know what)
Chrysler, my real gripe is you. I never liked you or your product anyway, and now that I see that you have stiffed your customers, it tells me you are real shiesters. I know that isnt hitting home like I want it to, but just remember. The dishonorable actions you have taken in this are coming back around to you, even after you are gone from that company, because your actions makes it destiny that you should suffer. (mostly because people know who you are on the inside, and don't really care if you were born or not)....(actually, most are voting for not)
Hopefully Fiat will improve the image, starting with customer appreciation and standing behind their product.
I had more problems with my intrepid than just this. The power window didn't work had to fix the air conditioning hose. Never again will i buy an intrepid it was very nice and roomy but too many problems
I bought this car in September 2000 as it was a left over model from the year before. It had 17 Miles on the Odometer I bought it. I bought it from CAPE COD CHRYSLER DODGE on willow street in Hyannis MA. I brought it back to them every 2,700 to 3,000 Miles for thier own technicians to do the oil changes even though this cost me a little extra.
Thier own service department manager told me that I was being "TOO ANAL" and that nobody really maintains thier cars the way that I am maintaining this one. This was after my 5th oil change in the first year of ownership. This was the first new car I EVER bought, I had always owned pieces of junk I was determined that this car would age gracefully and I would be able to sell it for the down payment for my next car.
I was driving it on the highway 2.5 miles after picking it up from the dealer after its last oil change. When the Engine went dead. After the engine died, all of the lights on the dashboard lit up and smoke started billowing out of the front of the car. I pulled over to the side of the road and called Cape Cod Chrysler and told them that the car was dead. I spoke with the service manager. I was admittedly emotionally distraught before this "gentleman" name ELDER even picked up the phone. He told me that they would come and get the car.
The next afternoon I got a call from the service department and they told me that the Motor was blown. I said great "7/70 power train get me a new one". Elder laughed at me and told me "GO TO HELL" he also went on to explain that due to my lack of proper maintenance (LACK OF PROPER MAINTENANCE???) the engine siezure was not covered by the warranty.
I went around and around with the dealership for six month's over this problem. They absolutley flat refused to help me in any way shape or form. They even went so far as to charge me storage fees for keeping the car on thier lot while I was trying to figure out how I was going to come up with the estimated $6,000 and change to have the Engine replaced.
Later on the Dealer Princaple a man named Richard went so far as to chuckle at me and tell me He couldn't believe I bought a car that had a 2.7L V6 motor in it after all "EVERYBODY" knows that those motors were junk. WELL THANK YOU VERY MUCH CHRYSLER MOTOTRS I HOPE YOU ALL ROT IN HELL FOR THE CRAP YOU PUT YOUR "VALUED" CUSTOMERS THROUGH. Needless to say I will never ever own or get into another Chrysler Motors piece of junk for as long as I live.
This goes out to anybody thinking about buying a 1999 dodge intrepid DO NOT BUY A 2.7L engine the worst car ever. DODGE IS A BAD COMPANY STAY AWAY FROM THIS CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The trouble starting while sitting still even when warmed up, stalling mid intersection at low RPM's! Worse yet, sometimes the RPM's would actually take longer to drop down after releasing the gas then normal making it much harder to brake at times, oil light fluttering on and off usually while stopped, or just steady on. The REAL CAUSE of all of this is low oil pressure combined with the 2.7L tendency to heat the engine to such a degree oil will actually build up making sludge. This Sludge then that slowly but surely will accumulate on your oil pumps' filter, not the Oil filter that is usually changed with your oil. So when this filter starts to fill up and become clogged is actually the problem! its the cause for the oil light, because the oil pump is strained trying to pull oil through a clogged filter, thereby giving your car low oil pressure. What this means is overtime the tops of your rod bearings inside your engine become warped or damaged from the heat caused from friction all due to insufficient oil flow. This problem will only get worse over time until, your oil pump gives out under stress. This is such a rare problem with other vehicles that mechanics have trouble figuring out what is actually wrong, so figuring its just a bad sensor, they send out out the door down 125$ with a new sensor and problem free for only the a short time. Although changing your oil and oil filter regularly help but it will not always prevent you from sludge buildup, which is a very common problem with this engine type, so make your friends aware! To anyone who owns a dodge/Chrysler with a 2.7L engine car that needs this sensor or there car has been acting funny, please Google "OIL SLUDGE PROBLEM with the 2.7L Engine".
My car broke down just while driving down the highway an hour and a half from home, after having all these symptoms I had my radio up loud on a long trip home when over-top the speakers was a deep constant banging, thank god the next exit was near I pulled of and struggled up into a motel parking lot. loud unearthly rattling from the engine, when touching the gas. My rod bearings I'm sure have gone bad due to reasons listed above. So from what I gathered on the internet the engines needs high $$$ synthetic oil that can withstand high temps, (EVERY 3000 miles) Take my experience and just spread the word to everyone with this car. I just wished I would have looked into the minor problems before it turned into a major one. (This goes especially for those like me who have procrastinated on their oil changes occasionally). I have had my sensor replaced twice.. before the engine blew, but isn't there a sensor there, to tell you something is actually wrong to begin with? Would only recommend this car to a mechanic
Errors in my personal case are as follows using lowest grade gasoline, apparently it contributes to sludge build up "who knew", oil changes were not completed as needed, . They are many stories all over the internet like mine, don't end up one of them!
Purchased this used vehicle, at the time I was not aware of the on going issues and complaints concerning the 2.7l v6, I learned very quickly (within the 1st couple of months) that I had brought a lemon. I had engine failure in 2007, which cost me $3000.00 + to have repaired. The 2nd engine failed in 2008 and I refuse at this point to invest any additional dollars in this car. Needless to say this piece of "sh*t" of and automobile in now cluttering my drive way. What next?
Dodges 2.7 is a good motor if dodge would do a recall and add an oil cooler as they did in the 2003 model. dodge noticed this problem and made a fix to it but has done nothing to fix the ones already out there because if they admit there was a problem then they are responsible for all the 99 00 01 and 02 models. and it would be too much money to replace all those engines that have gone bad and reimburse all the people who have paid to fix their cars. my 99 intrepid blew its motor at 50000 miles still under factory extended warranty. it cost $7895.00 to fix because you must replace the block and heads due to it narrow oil passage ways to make sure that you don't have the same problem you must install an aftermarket oil cooler. this will keep the oil form getting to hot and clogging up the new narrow passage ways. you see the problem is not in the oil pressure it is in the volume that is why there is no warning you still have oil pressure but the engine is starving for oil. volume dose not equal pressure compression equals pressure. you can compress 2 drops of oil into 35psi but that doesn't mean it lubricates a complete engine. dodge realized this problem and came up with a way to fix it. 03 models have an oil cooler now. they should do some thing to assist all their loyal customers. most people would be happy. I know I would if they offered a huge rebate on a new vehicle if and when their 2.7 died
I had the engine replaced for $6000 and I had to rent another vehicle for 3 weeks while the car was being fixed. The had to order 2 engines because the first one arrived cracked.
Never buy this piece of junk ,i even hate to admit that Japanese make better cars than this sh*t..Wasted my money on this utter crap and one day on highway got stalled wont turn on.Tried everything that could fix it but not it wont.In the end the Mechanic said change the engine.I am not dumb enough to change engine which will cost me more than buying an another car.Never buy dodge cars between 1997 - 2000 they are utter crap.
- coldmine, Ajman, Ajman, United Arab Emirates